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Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets

"If you don’t take care of yourself nobody else will."

You need all five pillars. We measure them all and more, online in your home. We now have in place a new Anonymous, Statistical gathering Research Program offering Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshops for troubleshooting your personal Wellness issues.

You will not sign up online any more. Our new protocol is for you to contact us first so we can establish the best research cohort for you based on where you live or where you work.

Without Tutoring Workshops it is difficult to convert to regular Wellness Actions. Just send us an email and ask. All our multiple email addresses come into the same InBox so it doesn't matter which one you use to connect with us.



Best nutrition to lose weight?

Best nutrition to BOOST blood flow?

Best nutrition for a long and happy life?

Best nutrition to boost your immune system?

We have what you need.


Picture 4 of many healthy fruits and vegetablesPicture 5 of two healthy fish on a plate with tomatoes and parselyPicture 6 of healthy fruits and vegetables in a basket.



Best exercise to lose weight?

Best exercise to boost the immune system?

Why getting the heart beat up in exercise is helpful?

 Picture 7 of people running on treademillsPicture 8 with five views of a lady in bikini triming down.Picture 9 of a man on an outdoor eliptical bicycle

Picture 10 of a couple joging on a beachPicture 11 of a femail child gritting her teeth lifting hand weights and the tile Lie 11, I don't need to exercise   Picture 12 of a middle aged man and woman on indoor bicycles smiling at each other  


Spinal Health

Why good posture ties into sex appeal?

Why low back pain can be a pain in the butt?

? Picture 13 profile of a woman with cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral curves listed   Picture 14 of a see-through person with th emid back highlighted in red for back pain   Picture 15 of a clothed man holding his low back in back painPicture 16 of a vertebra listing some parts


Rest and Relaxation

Making meditative moods to put yourself to sleep?

Why extra sleep is good for the immune system?

Picture 17 of a man reclining on a sofa with his hands behind his headPicture 18 of a woman reclining relaxing in a bathtub with candles in the foreground   Picture 19 of an album cover Music for the Motzart Effect, Healing the body 

Picture 20 of a lady on her back in a swimming pool relaxing with eyes closed and arms out stretched   Picture 21 of a sailboat far off in the distance with a landscape farther off on the ocean   Picture 22 of a south seas beach scene with green foliage and blue water and white sand  


Attitude and Perspective in Life

Why a positive attitude is good for your health?

Why attitude means everything?

To be, act as if? 

Picture 23 Waterfall with sun reflected in camera lense and the word Attitide across picture Picture 24 Young lady with a positive thumbs up attitudePicture 25 man with upstreched arms in positive victory attitude

Picture 26 Shift Your Focus, Focus on what you have, not what you don't have Picture 27 A positive attitude may not solve all your problems but it willPicture 28 It's all about attitude. Small dog chasing a Rhinoceros


"If you don’t take care of yourself nobody else will."

 We Measure all five pillars and more.
